Thursday, June 7, 2007


Some interesting facts about Uganda

Total population (2005) - 28.8 million
Life expectancy at birth - 49 years
Under-5 mortality rate (Number of children who will die before their fifth birthday)- 136 out of every 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate (number of infants who die before their first birthday) - 79 out of every 1,000 live births
Adult literacy rate - 67%
(Females 58%; Males 77%)
Gross National Income per capita - $280 (in US dollars)
% of children under five suffering from underweight - 23
% of children under five suffering from moderate to severe wasting - 4
% of total population using adequate sanitation facilities - 43
% of total population using improved drinking water sources - 60 (urban-87; rural-56)
Number of children orphaned by AIDS - 1 million
Number of children orphaned by all causes - 2.3 million
% of women who had a skilled birth attendant present at delivery - 39

For comparison, the same indicators for the United States

Total population (2005) - 298.2 million
Life expectancy at birth - 78 years
Under 5 mortality rate - 7 out of 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate - 6 out of 1,000 live births
Adult literacy rate - data not available
Gross National Income per capita - $43,740 (US dollars)
% of children under five suffering from underweight - 2
% of children under five suffereing from moderate to severe wasting - 6
% of total population using adequate sanitation facilities - 100
% of total population using improved drinking water sources - 100 (urban-100; rural-100)
Number of children orphaned by AIDS-data not available
Number of children orphaned by all causes-data not available
% of women who had a skilled birth attendant present at delivery - 99

Some will say corruption. Some will say it's God's will. Some will say they don't know. Some will say they don't care.

You don't have to know the answer. I certainly don't. I have some ideas, but I'll save those for another time.

It's my hope that you will be interested enough to continue reading this blog and learn more about how much of the world lives - so very differently than we do.

(data source:, country profiles, statistics)

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